Sandylands Drinkwater Port Label, c.1758
Wine Label - Port; Crescent-shape - London circa 1758 by Sandylands Drinkwater - 5cm wide; 12.5g - BW/4517
This is quite a late silver wine label from the workshop of Sandylands Drinkwater and an early example of the crescent-shaped label.
Although perhaps inappropriately named for a maker of alcohol-related silverware, Sandylands Drinkwater was one of the very earliest makers of silver wine labels and bottle tickets. His "SD" in script mark surmounted by a crown can be clearly seen on this Port label. Drinkwater owned premises on Gutter Lane which were passed on to his apprentice Richard Binley in 1760 when he was elected Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company. On the assumption that Drinkwater retired at this time, this Port label must pre-date this event and so date to the late 1750's.
This large Georgian wine label has a plain appearance with bold, in-filled lettering. It is in fine condition, although there is a vertical crease visible on the reverse side that coincides with the letter "T" and was probably a result of the engraving process.