Extendable Silver Toasting Fork, 1809 Weeks's Museum

Extendable silver toasting fork Weeks museum London
Extendable silver toasting fork Weeks museum London DSCN9184 v2 DSCN9185 v2 DSCN9186 v2 DSCN9187 DSCN9188 v2


Toasting Fork - Telescopic - London 1809 by George Cowles - 20.8cm to 43cm long; 49g - GR/3388b

This extendable silver toasting fork is a rare Georgian survivor with an interesting provenance.

There are four telescopic sections that fit in to each other and at full stretch is a massive 17" long! The fork itself has three sharp tines for holding toast or marshmallows close to a fire, whilst the user can sit a good distance away.

Each section bears partial London hallmarks with the "GC" maker's mark for George Cowles. The final section is further engraved "Weeks's Museum, Tichborne St."

Thomas Weeks (1743-1834) was the proprietor of Weeks's Museum of automata, clocks, temples, and other objects of curiosity. His museum of mechanical curiosities was founded in Tichborne Street from 1788. This telescopic silver toasting fork was evidently bought at the museum and was numbered 709.

The fork has survived in very good condition with the hollow sections still extending well although a little loose when in position. A very rare and interesting curiosity.