Set 6 Dog-Nose Silver Table Spoons, 1708 Dalton

Spoons (6) - Dog-nose Pattern - London 1708 by Andrew Dalton - 20.2cm long; 378g - LR/5827
Good sets of six Dognose spoons are scarce and this is an excellent set. Each of these early 18th century spoons has a good hefty weight and bears an original engraved betrothal triangle to the reverse of the stem. The condition is excellent with good, unworn bowls tips, although two spoons have some pitting to the reverse of the bowls (see final photo). The spoons all carry matching Britannia Standard hallmarks and the DA mark of the specialist spoonmaker Andrew Dalton; the marks have varying degrees of clarity, but on the whole remain legible. A very fine set of spoons.