Bachelor Drum-shaped Silver Teapot, 1774
Teapot - Bachelor; Drum-shaped - London 1774 by Walter Brind - 19cm wide; 12.2cm high; 9.2cm diameter; 500ml volume; 343g gross weight - ZB/2574
This is a beautiful Georgian silver teapot with a plain cylindrical, drum-shaped body engraved with an original crest.
With a volume of just under one pint, this small teapot is known as a bachelor-size. A particularly charming feature of this teapot is the engraving around the top rim which can be aligned with the matching engraving on the lift-off cover to give a continuous tendril of flowers around the top. The handle is bound with wicker to protect the user from the heat - it looks like there may have been a tiny loss to the wicker at the top, but this is now all secure.
Made by Walter Brind, this is an excellent early silver teapot - you don't find too many earlier than 1780 - and in fine original condition too.