Devil's Own 20" Long Tray, 1798

dscn5561 dscn5541 1 dscn5545 1 dscn5559 1 dscn5550 1 dscn5551 1 dscn5548


Tray - Oval with gadroon border and 4 feet - London 1798 by J. Crouch & T. Hannam - 49.5cm x 36.5cm; 2370g - AE/7942

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This is a magnificent quality, oval, silver tray with a bold, gadrooned border & four gadrooned, bracket feet. It was made by the one of the best Georgian specialist silver salver and tray makers - Hannam & Crouch and is a premier piece.This 20" long tray has a remarkably heavy weight (over 76oz!) and just oozes the very highest quality! It has a wonderful patina and survived in superb condition with just a couple of very slight bruises to the surface.

The centre of the tray has an oval cartouche that has an interesting engraved inscription relating to the tray's provenance:-

"B.J.C.A. Nolumus Mutari This piece of plate was presented on the 24th Dec. 1798 to Mr Thomas Lane by the Bloomsbury & Inns of Court Association In Testimony of the High Sense Entertained by them of his Services as Secretary and Treasurer"

The motto Nolumus Mutari translates to "We Shall Not Be Changed".

The Inns of Court in London are the professional associations for barristers in England and Wales. The Bloomsbury & Inns of Court were a regiment of volunteer lawyer soldiers reformed in 1797 during the Napoleonic Wars. It was shortly afterwards that King George III gave the regiment its enduring nickname - "The Devil's Own"!

Thomas Lane was the steward of Lincoln's Inn for over 40 years and presumably administered the affairs of the voluntary regiment.